




(外國:foreign country




[]  稱本國以外的國家。紅樓夢˙第五十二回:你到我那裡去,就說我們這裡有一個外國美人來了。二十年目睹之怪現狀˙第二十九回:去年外國新到了一種紙捲煙的機器,小巧得很。


[] -/ [명사] 자기 나라 이외의다른 나라’. 외방(外邦). 이국(異國). 타국(他國).  외국 상품.  외국으로 이민을 가다.


[]  [danh từ] Nước ngoài: người ngoại quốc từ ngoại quốc trở về.


[]  自分の国ではないよその国家。とつくに。他国。異国。  「―語」



中國音:ㄨㄞˋ ㄍㄨㄛˊ  [ wài guó ] 【外国】


韓國音:외국  [ eo guk ]


越南音:ngoại quốc


日本音:がい こく  [ gai koku ]  【外国】


3条评论 (+add yours?)

  1. Linh
    2月 07, 2006 @ 17:49:53

    Sorry anh Chi, I wanted to reply to you but my friend came and we talked. Talk to ya later!


  2. カルカン
    2月 07, 2006 @ 22:02:57

    hi! how are you? can you pick up a photo your page?
    I couldn\’t pick up photo my page(;ー;)
    I went to short tirp then I taken picture,I want pick up.
    see you again .
    please check out my page again.


  3. Linh
    2月 08, 2006 @ 19:02:41

    I think the word "trang lưu bút" that you\’re using now is a suitable word for it. Or you can say "sổ lưu bút"(same meaning anyway). See ya later anh Chí. have a gud week!

